The Magic of First Glance

The Magic of First Glance: A Love Poem

There’s something undeniably magical about the very first glance exchanged between two souls. That instant spark, where the world seems to slow down, is a moment many of us long for. In this original love poem, we explore the depth of that fleeting encounter—one that leaves an everlasting impression.

First Glance – A Love That Begins with a Look

It was the space between a breath,
a moment thin as morning mist,
where time stood still,
and everything else dissolved into air.
I saw you—
a flicker of light, a spark in the crowd,
eyes like dusk meeting dawn,
drawing me in with the quiet gravity
of something both new and ancient.

Your gaze brushed past mine,
soft as the sweep of wind
across a field of forgotten flowers,
but it stayed,
an echo I could hear with my pulse.
In that brief touch of sight,
the world unraveled to its simplest truth:
there you were,
and everything after felt like
it had always been waiting
for that one look to begin.

I tried to hold onto the moment,
but it slipped through,
leaving only the warmth of what might be—
a silent promise,
a thread that tied my heart
to the rhythm of your steps
as you disappeared
into the blur of day.

Yet even now,
long after the seconds have fled,
I carry the weight of that glance,
a tiny, golden ember
that keeps burning quietly in the dark,
reminding me of the magic
that hides in the smallest of seconds.


Love at first sight is more than just a fleeting moment; it’s a powerful connection that can ignite something deep within us. Share your own stories of first glances in the comments below and let us know how they changed your world.


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